WP Small Fix

Clarifications on Five Well Known Elements To Set On Your WordPress Business Website

There are too many marketing strategies available to boost your sales and website revenue, the couple of we can consider as online marketing, SEO, email marketing, pay per click and so on. The fact is before starting any kind of marketing or SEO campaign you just need to test your business website, whether it’s perfect or still need to make some crucial changes to make it perfect sales machine. Here we are going to discuss 5 very important and well-known web elements those are you just need to set up on your business website, here is the list of these all five.

  1. CTA
  2. Speed Optimization
  3. Fluid Responsive Layout
  4. Social Sharing integration
  5. Quick Contact form


Clarifications on Five Well Known Elements To Set On Your WordPress Business Website
Yeah you read it right it’s CTA (Call to action) we are going to discuss the importance of Call to action. CTA is the very powerful method to catch all users attention. Each business website must need to set CTA it will help you to generate more leads and sales. It’s a Power full and modern method.

Speed optimization

Clarifications on Five Well Known Elements To Set On Your WordPress Business Website
Very important factor for any kind of website, you have to optimize your website speed. It will create the great impact on all user’s mind also it will decrease bounce rate on your SEO campaign chart. Google search ranking somehow depends on your website speed. Using a couple of cache plugin plus a couple of tricks you can archive high speed for your business website.

Fluid Responsive layout

Clarifications on Five Well Known Elements To Set On Your WordPress Business Website
Mobile commerce and mobile users are increasing day by day if your business website is not fluid responsive you may lose the big amount of leads and sales. Fluid responsive means your website will be fit on any kind of available screens and it will provide great UI experience to all the users whether it comes from a desktop, laptop, mobile or tablet.

Social Sharing integration

Clarifications on Five Well Known Elements To Set On Your WordPress Business Website
Are you running WordPress website with a blog on it? Yeah! This one is special for you guys. basically, the blog always used to gain special niche visitors for all kind of website. Once we set new blog post it means we need to spread that info to all users, using all possible way like email campaign, niche forum discussion and one of the most widely used element is “Social Sharing Integration”. There is a couple of cool plugins available to integrate social sharing option, it will allow sharing blog post and web pages to all social media platforms with single click user/reader can share that’s the main thing minimum effort maximum reward.

Quick contact form

Clarifications on Five Well Known Elements To Set On Your WordPress Business Website
Just think you are offering services to your customer not selling products that mean you are dealing with the virtual product. When you selling virtual products in that case communication will play a big role and that can be via direct email, chat or maybe over the phone. Most important thing is not all customers will directly get in touch with you via phone or direct email. You must need to provide one medium on your website so a customer can easily contact you with short and related details. You must need to set up a quick contact form on all pages of your business website using that form customer can drop you an email with related queries. It will increase leads and sales.


Small things make difference yeah that’s right, we can never underestimate this kind of small elements it’s always good to include these all elements. After all your business website is one of your sales platform for your products and services. If your sales platform is perfectly maintained and healthy it means your business will stay healthy all the time with continuous growth.

Website speed optimization, Professional CTA setup and Fluid responsive design these all consider as technical elements of the website. If you are not enough technical, you must need to hire a technical person to produce better output. We at WP SMALL FIX provide a solution for these kinds of issues as a WordPress support & maintenance agency. You can choose our package as per your requirements. We provide One Time WP Small Fix & Also we provides WordPess Speed optimization service don’t hesitate to ask if you will any questions related to our services.

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